
The Resetttlement Team offer support to clients when they leave Midvale Road and move into their own property.  If a client is moving into the private sector, there is no obligation to remain in touch, but our door is always open and most clients avail of our service for as long as they need. 

If moving into an Andium Homes property via Supported Housing, clients commit to a personalised support package for a further 22 months.  That said, there is no official cut-off period for support, and many clients maintain contact long after they have been offered a tenancy in their own right.

We assist clients with the actual move to their new home.  We support them in accessing utilities (Jersey Electricity / television licence / parish rates / home insurance, liaising with Social Security regarding change of circumstances / rent allowance.  We can also offer advice on purchasing or sourcing furniture/white goods. 

Moving home can be a stressful experience.  With this in mind, we take clients through the whole process step by step, which removes some of the stress and anxiety.

Resettlement Support Workers visit clients in their homes and also make themselves available if a client wants to drop into the team's office for a chat or to discuss a concern or a problem.  We are also happy to chat and celebrate good news, and there is a lot of that too!

Our main aim is to maintain clients in the accommodation they worked so hard to get.  Clients are assured of ongoing support, until they feel they no longer need it.