Strathmore 16-25 Project

The impressive period frontage of the "Strathmore" building makes it easily recognisable on St. Marks Road.

In the past, The Shelter Trust has seen a huge increase in the number of young people accessing their services.  At this time around 30%  of our service users are between 16 and 25. 

The needs of young adults, both men and women, have not been met effectively in the past and our aspiration is to meet those needs with our new service for young adults, which is based at Strathmore.

The aim of the project is to promote young people's independence using three pathways: Engaging young people in the process of change in order to have the skills and confidence to live independently:

  • being in settled safe accommodation
  • education, training and employment
  • good health and well being.


To provide safe, high-support, medium-term accommodation for vulnerable young people in the 16-25 age group.


Singles or couples in their own room. Staff on duty 24hrs. Dining, laundry and some bathroom  facilities are shared (some showers are en suite).There is an accommodation charge.


Assessment, key working, advocacy, supported access to services (housing, drug and alcohol, counselling, mental health, community bank), life skills coaching, employment and training advice, meals, laundry.


Referral by The Shelter Trust, individual or agency.

For 16-25 year olds

80 St Marks Road,

St Helier,


Tel: 01534 726892