Virtual Soup Kitchen

12th December 2020

In what continues to be an extraordinary period to manage, £7,600 has been raised by The Shelter Trust's Virtual Soup Kitchen.
The Virtual Soup Kitchen closed its website at midnight on Thursday 10th December and the final result is £7,600 raised towards The Shelter Trust’s services for Jersey’s homeless community.
This result compares with £15,000 raised by 2019’s traditional Soup Kitchen and the Trust hopes to be back in the Royal Square in December 2021 for a Covid-19 free physical soup-serving event.
The Shelter Trust thanks its many supporters for buying virtual soups and making donations, also LGT Vestra for their sponsorship of the event and to all the restaurants, hotels and food outlets who contributed and donated draw prizes.
22 lucky supporters won prizes in the Soup Kitchen prize draw and they will all be contacted and prizes delivered to them as soon as we can.
Of the 24 soup flavours the most popular selected was Cream of Cajun Winter Chicken and Mushroom, submitted by Pomme d’Or Hotel.
For more details contact Richard Robins on 07797 716235 or by email at: